Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Hot Streak Continues

My hot streak is continuing... I have been carrying my new DSW purse for about 3 weeks. To the vet every other day. To Petco and Petsmart. Do do do dum dee do.

Weekends when the husband takes over dog duty for a few hours? To the grocery. To the dry cleaners. To the post office. Very proud.

It is a giant grey purse. I ordered it online (gasp, you say). When it came in the mail and I opened it, I was like, Hmmmmm. Wow. This is very large.

But I liked it so much I cut off the tag, emptied the gallons of tissue paper out of it, and hung it in a very visible spot in the closet.

I am not used to carrying a large bag, but once I decided to try it for a day, I loved it. It looks so awesome that I immediately felt comfortable with it.

I also subscribe to the notion that tiny women look great with tiny purses and maybe I, not being tiny, should have a more substantial purse. An adult lady purse. Not that my other purses aren't adult. It's just that not too long ago, I went neck deep into the cross body phenomenon, and that was unwise. Ladies with 36Ds should not wear the cross body purse. The twins have a wonderful life of their own and they do not need a big weighty ole tourniquet strap separating 'em. If I'm not going to look like I do crack (Happy Wife's ideal body type!), then enjoying the one bonus from not being rail thin is a necessary pleasure. Ta-da tatas!

Da da dada!

That was the trumpet "here comes the king and queen" solo in case that wasn't clear.

Anyway, I also wanted a bag that would let me take a book to the doctor's office and would allow me and the hubby to sneak in a couple boxes of candy at the movie theater. Stuff like that.

Last week I discovered something on the back of the purse.

Well, hell. Do you see it? 

An entire zippered compartment!

Hi there, Pocket!

Genius that I am, I still did not open zippered compartment until this morning. I mean, my excuse is that I am still getting used to the normal compartments. I do not have much stuff to put in said gigantic purse in the first place.

Today, I grabbed my purse because some more online stress shopping took hold. I admired it for a while.

Gee, I love this purse, I said to myself.

Then I unzipped the zippered compartment for the first time. Of course.

There was a little tissue paper in there.

* All tissue pictured is from the ONE
little zippered compartment in the back.

Hermes and Isley are incredulous.

Or they are just impressed by how much of a moron I can be.

Also, is it me, or does Isley look like
The Most Interesting Cat In The World
in this photo of him and the purse?

I don't always play with tissue paper,
but when I do, I make sure it's from a purse
that meets my level of style and sophistication. 

I wonder what other dumb things I am doing right now
(and when I will catch onto them).

Also, yes, I am aware that obviously,
from the quality of that there video,
I should dedicate my life to film.

*Juts out chin, holds nose in the air,
walks off to order a beret*

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Oh No You Didn't!

Son of a...

Mav got so excited for the vet that she forgot she was in pain.

Because there is a car ride involved!

And people!

And the tech she loves!

And the vet she likes pretty well!

Except when he's trying to do stuff to her like take blood or perform range of motion on her limbs! Then she gets all offended!

But not offended enough to stop wagging!

Car! Other vet customers! Tech! Vet! OMG! I have no injuries, Mama!


Double lovely.

After a lot of trial and tribulation (and a treat, begged for very obnoxiously), Mav seemed much better. I mean, of course she did. She was using all her legs. Which was an improvement from an hour earlier.

I am pretty sure the vet and his 2 techs have diagnosed me as insane. Probably a couple years ago.

Anyway, the vet said Mav's lame on one back leg and that she responded to both front legs equally. "Responded" is the word of the day in case you were wondering. If she was younger, he said he would worry about a certain bone disease and do some films. If her injury appeared to be limited very specifically to one leg (as it had in the hours before going to the damn vet), then he'd want to do films then, too.

Since she was her normal hobbly self and not an extra-special hobbly self, I get to watch her for the next 24-48 hours and see what happens. If one leg persists, then we get to sedate the crap out of her and x-ray her. Fun. For everyone.

Truth be told, there was also a point today where I thought little Hermes the cat had hurt herself. She seemed to be limping in the kitchen.

She wasn't. She had gotten a claw stuck in the new kitchen rug.

I unattached her from the rug, gave her a quick pet.

She immediately kneaded and got her paw stuck on the same rug again.

Mmmmmm-hmmmmm. Today I am just on fire, I am on such a hot streak.

Missing Those Termite Days

It's odd how you can look back on something that, at the time, felt crappy, but in retrospect, it wasn't anything.

I complained about May a lot this year. Turns out, I should have been appreciating May.

Termites? Yes, please. I'll take the termites. In swarms.

Because in May, Maverick did okay. She had her usual ups and downs, but it wasn't until Memorial Day that things starting going downhill fast.

It's been two steps forward, one step back since then. Almost a month ago. It's been a month since the hubby and I were able to leave the house together.

A month since I didn't have to hand feed her every meal.

A month since we were comfortable with her being in a room without us for a few moments.

A month since I could do things, even little things, without worrying about her not being in my sightline. Showering, grabbing something from downstairs, getting the mail... It's all become somewhat of a challenge.

I find ways to keep her close as I do things I used to not think twice about doing. Leave the bathroom door open so I can see her on her dog bed in the office from the shower. Talk to her and keep her at the top of the stairs as I put the laundry over in the basement. Leave the front door open as I get the mail, letting our a/c cool the subdivision as she watches me attentively.

She's been doing better. Able to eat. Able to keep her many pills down. Interested in her toys, in us, in being with us.

Yesterday was the best day yet. A cautious sigh of relief. A day of some normality.

Then came this morning.

She was a little lame. Not uncommon. I did not panic. She has severe arthritis in her hips. A daily pain pill. I thought maybe she just needed to just get going in the day. Stretch herself out. I called the vet and, since I was going in for more of her Special Food Extreme Edition (now she's eating dry only! I'll take success anywhere I can find it!), went ahead and made an appointment. The earliest  he had was mid-afternoon.

I figured he could take a look at her, ease my mind a bit. As he always does.

The day has gone on. And on. Her limp has become more pronounced and has centered itself not, as when I first thought, in her back legs and hip area. It's her front legs. As the minutes tick by until our appointment...

I find myself watching her continuing to bark and run as the UPS man comes to the door (with a jacket going straight back in the mail to be returned).

I watch her as she wags at me when I talk to her, anxious for her next meal.

As she comes up more and more lame with every movement until she can barely walk.

She has not cried. Not once. As she pulls up, lending zero weight to one leg, I can see the pain in her face. I think she doesn't cry solely for me. She's trying to keep me from losing it.

I push myself to forget about the bowling ball in my stomach. That pure, unadulterated panic. That helplessness from being unable to fix it. To make it better. To make it stop. To give her herself back.

I shove it all down. Try to find that part of me, that auto-pilot Happy Wife that takes a horrible situation and doesn't think about it at all. She just acts and reacts and takes over. Completely. Responsibly. Competently. She is a bulldozer. She can do this better than I can.

I have trouble finding her and holding onto her, this other me. I try not to think about physically getting to the vet. How a car ride will feel for Mav. For the first time, I plan on pulling up to the office and bringing her into one of the 2 techs to hold as I park the car. Because I can't chance her in the parking lot. I will limit her every step.

My husband is at work, where he should be. I called to tell him that when he can come home, he should. A reasonable hour, please. If it isn't necessary and deadlined, if the whole team isn't there with him, bring it to work on at home or do it tomorrow during work hours or later in the week. After I hang up, I force myself to stop thinking about what if she can't get in or out of the car without an extra set of hands.

I do not doubt my ability to lift the hundred pounds of her. This helps.

I feel like I am watching her fall apart in slow motion.

She's been just sick enough this month. Almost too sick but never quite there. Colitis. A parasite. Any dog can have these. Her new illnesses, causing concern but not meant to cause much more.

She has been the queen of treatable conditions. Thyroid pill twice a day for how many years now?

Things like epilepsy, more difficult for me to watch then for her to experience, so I've heard. Never frequent enough to warrant medication intervention.

Now these small breaks, these little cracks, all adding up to what?

Is this God preparing me to let her go? So very slowly?

Will I be punished until I reach a point where I beg for her comfort over my own?

Is this because we lost our other dog so suddenly, her death so much a surprise that it incapacitated me for months? Is this the flip side of that coin? I thought the flip side would be cancer, would be something inoperable, something big. Something specific, something clear.

Something unmistakable.

I don't know how so many people just walk around. How do you have a sick kid at home, with the flu? With something more? My mind doesn't reach around that at all. I have a dog. It's not apples and oranges. It's apples and helicopters.

How do we lose the people, places, familiars in our lives and just go on? Go to the grocery. Watch a movie. Sweep the floor. It's mind-boggling to me. Our capacities to handle what is given. To watch. To continue.

It seems to be that I need to suck more joy out of the joyous. So that I can stumble through the rest. Until my auto-pilot comes back on. I am eating fruit roll ups for lunch and scouring the internet for the least productive things possible. I am listening to one of the cat's purr as if it is the most important thing I have ever heard. I am folding my arms around myself until I feel so warm that it is too much.

I am watching Maverick breathe. In and out. In and out. In and out.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

More Posing Questions - What Did Happy Wife Buy On The Internet This Week?

Mav the dog is still bringing it big time. Just when I think for a few sweet, beautiful hours that she's feeling better, she kicks it up a notch. Her new thing is to seize and massively throw up at the same time. Usually in bursts of 3 over a 15 minute period.

My response is about as awesome as her actual illness. I say-scream, "You're okay! I got you! Snap out of it! You're fine! Quit it! SNAP OUT OF IT!" all while vigorously holding her and petting her. Because what she needs is redirection! HA!

Fun thought: I am so glad that I am not working right now. What if my dog nursing skills crossed over into my people nursing skills?

In a crisis, I would just grab the patient and scream, "SNAP OUT OF IT! IT'S OKAY! QUIT! QUIT! I GOT YOU! YOU'RE FINE!"

I find this thought way too hilarious. Probably because it's so true. At this point, I'm so tired and stressed out that I could actually see myself doing this to a poor, unsuspecting sick person.

Double bonus fun thought: My nursing mostly centered on hospice-type care.

So I could apply my new technique to patients and to family members!

Sigh. I am going to hell.

Since there is little dating happening, here is the next posed question and a photo story from yesterday.

Happy Wife has been stress-internet-shopping way too much. Boxes started coming yesterday. I opened the first, then left the room for 2 seconds.

I get back into the kitchen and see immediately what has happened.
Mary Lou wasted no time before getting in the box.
Notice what is right outside of the box.
Yes, those are kitty beds.

Mary Lou: like a boss!

Mav could care less.
Someone's in a box?
I feel like crap.

Mary Lou vacates the box.
Almost instantaneously...

Isley gets into the box.
Mav is a little more interested in all the activity.

So, what did Happy Wife buy during clickety-clickety-preventing-my-ulcer-for-another-day online shopping?

A) A rug that she needed

B) Joan Rivers (LOVE YOU, JOAN!) jewelry that she did not need

C) A toaster that she sort of needed

D) A kitty tree, an always needed and welcome addition

E) Shoes that she did not need

F) A book (to go with the 10 already on the shelf, waiting to be read)

G) Summer dresses that she did not need

Did you guess all of the above? And then probably some kitty toys, too? Good job.

The rug is in the photo with Mav and Isley.

Sparkles! Crazy, crazy sparkles!

Sparkles times two!
Old lady jewelry, yes please.
The photos don't do them justice here.
The black liquid-y metal and
deep blue iridescent beads
on this second necklace are divine! 

Yes, I store my necklaces with tops/jackets all together in the closet
just like in the photo. I like how easy it is to grab a top
with a jacket and necklace already good to go.

*Points to head*
It's not all cobwebs and tumbleweeds up here.

Another kitty tree.

Now we have 2 of this design.
On sale, 30 bucks, free shipping from Petco.
Couldn't pass it up!

Shoe heaven.

Ask not what these shoes match...

Ask only what don't they match?

Okay, okay.
Maybe not my Grover/Old Spice parody
tee shirt that I'm wearing today.

I still giggle at this shirt and I'm wearing it.
*Sticks tongue out at you*

Pandora says, "I've already heard that one, Rachel."

Lastly, all dolled up with nowhere to go.
The socially acceptable nightgown explosion!

If you learn one thing from this post,
it should be that Happy Wife
has way too much time on her hands.

Here's hoping Mav feels better soon!
So the shopping can stop and the dating can commence!

Crap. The toaster, another cat tree, and some giant rugs
just showed up at the door.

I know you dig the wolf snowglobe from my folks
on the shelf just above my gram's little ceramic deer
in the background there.

*Jazz hands*

The toaster matches our little pot perfectly! Bonus!

And the rugs act as a burglar barrier in the basement.
Or a husband barrier.
He's gonna have to come in the front door tonight.

Hey, look! I spy some Snapple!
When did I get that? Nice! Yum!


I think I'm going to go freeze my credit cards in blocks of ice now.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Posing Questions - Which Of These Things Did The Husband Do On The Drive Home

Not a lot has changed since last week. The dog is still sick, but she did test positive on Saturday for a parasite. Which is both good and bad. Hopefully, that is her only current problem. Crossing my fingers that all her meds will start making her feel better really soon. Because this has been hell.

The hubby had a nice, soccer-filled weekend at home. It was great!


He was able to chill out on the couch with Mav and I got to do things like clean, cook, and do laundry. It was way better than it sounds. I definitely needed a break from watching her 24/7, and I needed to get some stuff done. I was even able to leave the house and run errands. Hallelujah!

I have continued to make fairly impressive meals. I roasted chipotle bbq turkey breasts and served those with fresh green beans and salad. Next, I made ranch sirloin burgers with spicy cheese and a side of fresh carrots and celery with ranch dip.

I also cooked up some spicy ground beef, onions, and tomatoes and stuck that over cumin rice for the hubby. I don't touch that nasty stuff. Sometimes I forget what I'm cooking and lick a spoon and then immediately regret it. At this point, I pour the spices in there so liberally that I think that I have to be overdoing it. I am always trying to get him to admit that the dish is just spicy enough for him. It never quite is, not even with half a can of red pepper flakes, a pile of cumin and cumin seed, a good dousing of cayenne pepper, dried jalapeno bits, and an entire jar of Mexican chipotle sauce. I stir it and simmer it for a couple hours on the stovetop and my eyes burn from the heat. That is the kind of spicy I am talking about that he just shrugs his ole shoulders at in some type of earnest "good try, Sweetie" kind of way.

Up next: shrimp alfredo. With Happy Wife-approved spices. AKA normal, not-spicy spices. Garlic, onions, a Happy Wife-original thrown-together sauce.

*Happy wife takes a bow humbly as if making meals isn't in the job description*

I think I will pose a question to the universe now.

What do you think my husband did that made me laugh very hard on the drive home Saturday from Mav's most recent vet visit?

A) Started driving to work instead of going home

B) Was so glued to the NPR story about the origins of words and which words are correct when (and which are correct never!) that I started miming shooting myself in the head, then hanging from a noose, and then sawing off my own limbs


Did you guess C? IT WAS C.


Fun fact: A and B have also happened. Just not this past weekend.

I was incredulous after Mav and I regained our footing/seating. "Did you... Did you seriously just slam on the brakes for THAT BUTTERFLY RIGHT THERE?"

"No? What?" Nervous laugh. Then, "I thought it was a bird."

"Seriously, Honey?" I gave him a suspicious look. It was not a butterfly that looked like a bird. It was one of those little measly light yellow ones. Very non-bird-like butterfly. Very butterfly-like butterfly.

Pause. "Okay. Maybe." Pause. "I'm really tired. I don't know why I did that."

Then, I said, "That... That may be the gayest thing you have ever done."

We laughed so hard. Because we're stupid and 12, I guess.

My husband, what will he do next? Sometimes, the level of adorable is off the charts. Oh, man, just when I don't think I can love him any more than I already do, he goes and pulls this kind of stunt.

Monday, June 11, 2012

New Month, New Problems

Dastardly May has come and gone. Termites have been treated and should be suffering (if they aren't dead by now). Had a doctor's appointment with a less then stellar test result, but since it came with a "I'm sure it's fine! Let's talk again in a year!" response from the doctor, I'm pretending it's all cool. She didn't even call with the results. She wrote me a very ridiculous letter, which was essentially like you have these abnormal cells you've never had before, but they're probably cool. Or they're cancer. Or they might become cancer. Tomorrow. Or next month. Or next year. Or ten years from now. OR NEVER.

It was so dumb that it was kind of great. I told the hubby that it is going to be fun to explain in every future doctor's appointment that I had these weird results when they go over my history. I'm not looking forward to that. The letter was so long and convoluted that I'm just going to carry it with my insurance card. The hubby, ever helpful, just said, "It's going to be really fun when you get to explain it every year to the doctor who wrote the letter."

We both had a good laugh at that because it's so damn true.

The A/C is working. Cars are starting. Washing machine is still washing. The oven is another matter but let's not talk about that. I'll repeat: I'm glad to have May in the rear view.

June, though, not really living up to its possibilities. There haven't been any outings on our part. No big dates. We can't even make it to the movies where we have a list of stuff we'd like to see. I need to know if they say "You sunk my battleship!" in Battleship.

The hubby had a couple days off for Memorial Day, which made us all hopeful and stupid. We're going to Cold Stones! We're going to The Dog Museum! We're going to be the last people in America to see The Avengers! Woooooo! Happy Wife is going to shower and put on "outside of the house" clothes every day! WOOOOOOO!

Of course, Mav decided to spoil all those plans in her usual spectacular fashion. During my vet's one week off for vacation. For no known reason, she got what 3 substitute vets think was colitis, and it's been a literal sh*tstorm. Heh.


Anywho, she's had a tough go of it since then. When our normal vet got back, he called about 6 minutes after his day started to check on us. I cannot imagine how high my stress level would be without our vet. Mav's been getting better and starts back on her regular food today. She has only very recently started eating her normal amount of food. This is since Memorial Day, and she's almost 100 lbs now, so she's no delicate flower when it comes to how much food she should be eating. At one point, over a 5 day period, she'd only eaten like one and a half cups of food total. In comparison, she should have 6-8 cups of food per day. Yeah.

We can tell she still feels pretty crappy. It's been a long couple weeks. At one point, I slept on the floor of the office next to her in her dog bed because that was the only place she found any comfort.

Fun side note: sleeping on the floor now is a lot different than it was in high school and college, when I was all "It's good for my back!" during the Academic Decathlon state finals in some semi-nice hotel room or at friends' houses back when I had friends that weren't my husband. Back then, a night on the floor was nothing. Now? I need 3 Aleve just to get up and down the stairs the next morning. Next time, I'm going to grab a second dog bed and sleep on that and try not to think about the level of white trash that might make me.

Never one to miss a beat, Mav did gather up some knowledge during her troubles. What my dog learned was how to spit out pills and that pill pockets have been a trick all along. Which is not good for a dog who is on 2 arthritis pills, a thyroid pill and an allergy pill twice a day, all when she's feeling good. Add a bunch of additional pills to those when she's feeling bad.

This is my dog, who once ate an entire bunch of bananas, peels and all. Happily and as if she'd never eaten before. One time while we were at a movie, she managed to eat an entire UNOPENED SAM'S CLUB box of these granola bars with ZERO effects on her digestive system. We came home to a house full of wrappers. It was amazing.

Mav says, "Mmmmm, crunchy!"

Once my parents left out Decon (rat poison) when we visited, and she got into that, and the emergency vet there said that they'd never seen a dog actually chow down activated charcoal. You used to be able to point at really anything and say a couple magic words and Mav would go ahead and eat it just in case. She hasn't been one to eat non-edible stuff on her own, not that we leave much to chance in our house anyway, but unless it's unwatched people food (a Happy Wife household no-no), she's pretty good. She's an eater. She gets that from me, for sure. It used to be if she ever got into her own bag of food, no doubt she would just eat until it was gone. Now, she's totally the opposite. Anyone who has had a dog that is food motivated who suddenly has no interest in food knows that it is a horrible thing to witness. You just get this bowling ball of dread in your stomach.

And we saw no signs she got into a damn thing. We hadn't gone anywhere or done anything exciting. We'll probably never know why or how she got so sick this time. Lord.

So, when the hubby and I have had time together, we've just spent it with her. Lots of soccer on the television and before that, we finished Friday Night Lights and started MI-5 on the Instant Netflix. The rest of the time, the hubby is working. Then I'm just sort of sitting over her like some kind of high school stalker. As long as I'm in a position to see her in the room we're in, we're okay. I have to be able to see her. Because there is no warning if she's gonna puke or have a seizure, not even to her. Which is really sad. I can't imagine not knowing something like that is coming and then boom. It comes on so quickly that she doesn't even have time to get up if she's sleeping or curled up resting. Her seizures are literally seconds long now and are completely different than they used to be. We never know when she starts acting off whether she's just having a senior moment, a seizure, or just crazy dog time. We can redirect her back to us pretty quickly, but it's still scary to watch.

At one point I went from praying "Help Mav, stop her hurting, bring her comfort, make her feel better" to "Just get me through this" and I knew when that happened that we were in for it. I'll never be ready for her to go, but the possibility is always there. Hopefully we're turning a corner and are on the road to recovery for a while longer. Either way, we're still just going to be focused on taking care of her and little else.

I try to appreciate spending all the time with her that I can, and it's more of a blessing than a curse. So the hubby and I didn't get to go out. We still are spending the evenings together and most of the weekend when he doesn't have to work. We can still do little things. The times this past week when I've got no sleep with Mav, the hubby went out and picked up supper. Lately, since sleep hasn't been such a stranger, I've been making nicer-than-sandwiches dinners for us. Last night, I made him lamb chops, filling the house up with smoke (they aren't good unless the smoke alarm goes off!), and fresh salad. It was really nice. Tonight, fresh corn on the cob and steaks marinated in a tasty A1, Italian dressing, honey, and red pepper concoction.

I'm oddly grateful for everything right now. Sure, Mav doesn't feel great, but she's better and she's still here. I have the time and ability to be with her. We have a home, so many life things that we're fortunate to have that make everything easier (hi again, washing machine). The hubby's still working away at a job he likes. The people we care about are happy and healthy and even though some are many miles away, they're still with us. The people we've lost have been gone so long the wounds aren't fresh and we're able to live with it more easily. Things other people are dealing with right now in their lives, the economy, family problems, sickness, death, all kinds of shattering things are happening out there. I know enough to know that we're not immune to that. It'll come and it'll be awful, but right now, we're okay. We're incredibly lucky. I don't have a damn thing to complain about.

I guess the trick is to, no matter how crappy things get or how complicated or how busy, we fit in some little things to make it better. Just about anything can overwhelm me if I let it. I think we're in the bones of the marriage part of our marriage right now, and it's still a great place to be. We have a good foundation, which makes everything so much easier when life from the outside is shaky. When I'm focused on Mav and not on much else. We'll get back to all the extra stuff like dating later. I still have goals. Like to not have a pair of shoes in my closet that I haven't worn. And to make it through the day without eating a fruit roll-up (damn you, Sam's Club!). All in good time, Happy Wife. All in good time.