I definitely question whether the person who built the aquarium had ever been to an aquarium before. What was not up for debate was whether I would like to hang out with said person (answer: yes).
This is me PETTING A STING RAY. I love being encouraged to do something scary with no supervision. Aren't these the things that killed the crocodile hunter? Did you know they feel like velveteen rabbits? Lethal velveteen rabbits.
You totally think that is the thing I mentioned in the last post. The thing that I got to do that was both one of the scariest and most fun things I have ever done. Not even close. But moving on...
Speaking of rabbits, I should mention the aquarium also had bunnies. I don't think you could beat the strange bipolar selection of animals displayed here. Other than fish and water-related creatures (of which there were plenty), there were anteaters, sloths, and ferrets. Oh, and a parrot at every turn. Of course. I must be the only one who doesn't naturally go from various species of alligator and crocodile to the most beautiful sea turtles ever to tanks full of gorgeous marked saltwater fish to random perching parrots.
I do love animals and being able to pet them makes me a giddy little girl again, so I am not knocking all the interactive exhibits here. You can pet turtles, snakes, FISH (yes, we pet certain fish while they were in the water, the same way you would pet a cat down the back), and even giant crabs.
Ha ha I touched crabs! Ah, STD humor.
Only I didn't. They looked more lethal than the sting rays and were the size of dinner plates. They were also very, very active. I let the crabs win this one.
Heh heh. That sounds funny.
Sorry. Back to the educational aquarium. There was a tank full of small black fish. You put your hand in and they swim over as fast as they can. Then they latch onto your hands and fingers and "nibble". It was the weirdest feeling. Here is a good pic of the hubby doing this. All those black things are FISH. It was really fun!
We walked all around and saw a lot of interesting things. By far, the most exciting thing was the shark tank. It had giant sea turtles and sharks (which I assume you smart whippersnappers probably guessed by the fact that it's called a "shark tank").
The picture above is a view out over the tank from behind and up high. The picture below is (drum roll) of me IN THE TUNNEL THAT GOES THROUGH THE INSIDE OF THE SHARK TANK.
I was terrified to go in and didn't think I could do it. The picture doesn't do it justice in terms of how small it was. We walked back down the way we'd come and I just lost my mind for a second and said, "We're going back. I'm going through the tunnel." I crawled in a couple feet, and I think you can tell from the picture, I was really, really excited. The sharks swim around you and you just take your time crawling down through the tunnel. AWESOME. One of the best things I have ever done and unlike anything I've experienced before.
Granted they weren't Jaws-level sharks... They weren't much bigger than me. But you have to give me this one anyway, right? CLEAR PLASTIC SHARK TUNNEL. (I drop my microphone and walk offstage because I WIN and everyone's been served!) YEAH!
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