Thursday, June 17, 2010

He's Onto Me (Not Like That Sicko)

So the hubby is onto me about the vintage clothing store at the location of our date this weekend. He is handling it well.

It is supposed to be in the mid to high 90s Saturday and Sunday but it will only feel like +100 degrees. Phew. So only the outer 3 layers of my skin will melt. Have a good day, Dads! (Father's Day is Sunday)

We officially are now planning to do indoor things at the City Museum. No roof time for sure now. Apparently there are things like airplanes and more tunnels and more disassembled architecture on the roof to climb on and through and over. I do not want to be hospitalized for getting burns from metal sculptural pieces in downtown St. Louis. Although I guess if I was hospitalized, it's a pretty cool story to have (vs how I would usually burn myself ala cooking or attempting to use lawn equipment).

My husband and I did have an pseudo argument about whether he was allowed to wear shorts. He went all enunciating on the "it's recommended not required" line but since I am going to adhere to the dress code, he gave in fairly easily. For someone who doesn't care about what he wears, he sure was insistent that he could wear shorts. Does he think we'll be doing so much that he's going to get too warm in jeans? Has he forgotten that he has to stay with me there? I will not be doing anything that will make me need to don a sweatband (oh, sexy image there). Now that we're definitely staying inside during our visit, I have a feeling the subject is going to come up again.

This must be a date in an alternate universe since it is NOT me who is having issues with what to wear.

I will follow all the apparel rules because I do not want to know how they came to make these suggestions. Open heeled shoes lead to BURNING YOUR HEELS OFF. Capris mean SHIN SCARS. Shorts get caught on angled dagger-y metal pieces and BAM! Your kneecaps busted, my friends. Nah uh. There is an entire, vaguely terrifying and slightly hilarious letter on the website about frivolous lawsuits. Not because the place isn't dangerous but because it is so dangerous that people who don't even visit there bring up civil suits to try to get payments for injuries. Oh yeah. Fall off your roof, get run over by a car, and then hit by lightening? Just say you went to the City Museum and sue 'em.

Oh hell yes the hubby is wearing jeans. I am going to go through this place with the speed of an elderly person on the first day of hip replacement rehab. I will be leaning on my husband's arm AND acting like I have a walker. Ah, the memories of working in long term care. I do have experience and have observed the most careful and determined walkers. Finally, my nursing doin' me a solid. Makin' me ready for the dating world again!

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