See the crazy bus on the roof and the planes sticking out of the building? There are all these walkways and tunnels and you can go out and climb all over that stuff. It's insanity!
I have to say that all the places you can crawl through or climb on or whatever are less than ideal for those who are claustrophobic or chubby. I saw some people above us in a tunnel and I had an image of myself getting stuck around my middle in the hole used to climb through from one part to another. Call the fire station! Get me some Lasix, stat! So I did not climb on very much.
The actual museum had 2 floors of different museum-type attractions... There was a midget and a tiny train. Not kidding. People were taking a lot of pictures of the midget and it kind of made me uncomfortable. I did not, for the record, take a picture of him and was not tempted to in any way. There was also a circus act where a guy was juggling sticks that were on fire. Need I forget about the expansive taxidermy bug exhibit and the really expansive Sullivan architectural exhibit (think giant cement/plaster tiles with lots of intricate patterns that would be on old buildings). Pretty tiles. Rooms and rooms of pretty, pretty tiles.
Another attraction was a doorknob exhibit. Nothing says dating fun like doorknobs? I needed us to get a picture there. For some reason no one else was in the doorknob room. It felt like the only place where we had any space to ourselves. It would have been more romantic, if, you know, it wasn't a room full of doorknobs.
Maybe it was totally romantic... Each knob opens a door to another room of our loves (you have to say "loves" all adorably there). Heh heh. I will have to tell my husband that. He will laugh. He always does, no matter how stupid my remark.
How about we were together in a room full of doorknobs because we've already knocked down all the doors and walls separating ourselves from our loves?
No, well what about this old standby then?
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Our loves!
I'll stop now.
I have to console myself somehow since the vintage clothing store was closed. The outrage!
There were also so many people there (a lot of them children) that we couldn't even walk and hold hands half the time. I had to walk behind him and hold onto the back of his tee shirt so I wouldn't lose him in the crowd. Yeah. Not my ideal situation.
There seemed to be lots of nice and cool places to sit. Cool not as in temperature because it was hot in there. Maybe because we were packed like sardines from one floor to the next. There were a lot of sculptural animals that you could sit on but of course all the seats were taken.
There was also nudity. So that's fun. A woman was breastfeeding and it literally was just like turn and bam! Boob. I think I actually made some sort of surprised noise (perhaps just "Ahhh!). I wasn't expecting it. Not that there is anything wrong with public breast feeding. I am just not used to it. I am a very liberal person in general (let's marry all the gays and save the penguins!) but there are some very straight-laced Midwestern roots in my blood, too. I guess a woman with her shirt 3/4 of the way off of her body in one of the most crowded places I've been upsets my apple cart. Heh heh. Apple carts. Nice reference there, Self! Very down home, if I do say so myself. Which I just did.
Well, although the museum itself was a little much for me (I think I said 4 words the whole way home and just rode in the car with my eyes shut), we spent most of our time in the aquarium. It was really a fun date. At the aquarium. So I think we will just go ahead and consider the aquarium our date (the 2nd floor of the museum is the aquarium and is its own thing - and you have to pay separately to go in, which I think helped make the crowd thin a little bit in there). I'll write more and share pictures tomorrow. It was so different than I had ever seen. I love the Shedd in Chicago and this was no Shedd. It is like comparing apples (there the apples are again!) to... Boobs. Yep. Apples to boobs.
And who doesn't love apples and boobs in their own individual and respectful ways? Am I right?
The aquarium has one of the scariest things I have ever done. And one of the most memorable and fun! SO FUN. So make sure you see the picture of it in the next post.
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