We're not smokers, but the naked cherub/angel pedestals for ashes definitely increased the ambiance of our mini golf date.
I had been nervous about how crowded the place would be. A June Saturday in St. Louis. When we first saw the beautiful mini golf course, we definitely noticed the 2 other people playing on it (who were gone by the time we were halfway through, so we had the whole place to ourselves). Not one kid in sight. Score!
The course was... Unique. Every turn, a new out of place statue, Every step, a new kind of bug dive-bombing us. Lovely putrid water features and the sun burning between my toes where I guess the SPF 60 spray didn't reach. You had to watch your step for cracks in the concrete and tilt your head 4 different ways before figuring out half the stuff in front of you. Lots of beautiful flowers and plants in hanging baskets and along the walkway. Then, a random plant in a giant, splintered feed-store type of white plastic bucket mixed into the decorating scene. Seamless-ish.
The main feature was a large wolf-dog statue.
Don't forget the fake deer resting in the grass. It had some kind of major head injury. Golf ball inflicted? I would have liked to witness that. Seems like it would have taken a lot of effort and perhaps some type of explosion.
For those who like their sports action live, there were dragon flies, normal flies, bees, and about 20 other species of bugs gettin' it on. Which I think led to what would only naturally come into mini-golf conversations - the "that's what she said" lines that made us laugh so hard we had to pat ourselves on the backs and repeat each one several more times. Heh heh. Heh.
IT WAS AWESOME. Just because something isn't new and sparkly doesn't mean it isn't really fun and interesting. This place had CHARACTER. And the moment we started attempting to get the ball into the hole, we relaxed into 2 people who just really, really like being around each other. I forgot about all the stuff I have on my to-do list. Forgot that I was wearing the ugliest shoes I own (Fitflops I heart you). Forgot to worry about our dog and kitties at home alone.
Turns out the worse you are at putting, the more entertaining mini golf is! Which means for us (me especially!) it was really interesting! My husband was tasked with keeping score.
I did have a hole in one, thank you very much.
I also had like a 27 at one of the holes if one was keeping accurate scoring. We started the rule early that if you keep hitting the ball and it doesn't go into the hole but you somehow manage to hit it back to where it started from, or worse, out into the landscape, then that was all "practice" and then you get to start over again.
When he got home, he looked at the score card again and proudly said, "We tied."
"Umm, no we didn't." I had to laugh.
"Yeah. We both had 10 over par." That sounds very golf-y to me, so sure.
What a day date. This was fun, cheap, and even though it was nasty hot (and not in a sexy way), we were so amused by ourselves and the place that we didn't really notice. We're definitely going to go back again. I also said that it didn't really match the mental image I had of mini golf so we also will have to try somewhere less, um, rustic, in the future. I was disappointed that there wasn't a windmill. At the same time, I didn't know I'd need tube features on a hole so hidden that we didn't even notice them until we were almost done with the hole ("Hey, this would have been so much easier if we'd hit it through that tube there!"). I cannot believe how much fun I had. I am already excited about our next date, whatever it may be!
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