Around the time we pulled out of our little neighborhood, I got car sick. I didn't say anything. Because, you know... FESTIVE!
We took the big city road (highway? interstate? Stop judging me! I don't claim to be king of maps and geography!). Then we hit the smaller winding, hilly, roller-coaster-y mess that is the journey into and through the park.
We drove and drove and drove. Up and down and here and there. Not only did I not see any animals, I wanted to crawl into a ball and possibly pass out. But, FESTIVE! FIGHT IT! I AM IN CHARGE HERE, SAYS MY BRAIN TO MY BODY.
My body just laughed like a group of teenage girls. All annoying like.
The hubby and I finally saw several cars pulled over. The park was pretty crowded with hikers and families walking/chasing their children around, but we hadn't seen any animals yet. This time, people were out of their cars, standing on top of picnic tables, looking down into a ravine. Translation: Something to see!
A large herd of elk! We walked down a little ways to them and watched them for a little while. There were very small calves and a GIANT male with antlers. He was very handsome, sitting in a patch of sunshine.
We got back into the car, and although the fresh air and little walk had helped, my husband wasn't having it. He'd figured out I wasn't feeling so hot due to my weird breathing patterns and all the fidgeting I'd been trying to pass off as just really dramatic gesturing. How sick was I feeling? So sick. Ug! Why! FESTIVE! This was supposed to be our quintessential fall date! Exponentially FESTIVE!
The husband drove us towards the exit, where we passed two elk resting very close to the road. I felt a little bad for them, obviously 2 males, no ladies, lonely...
Then I got on some roll about how, hey, maybe it's a lifestyle choice and they aren't lonely! Maybe they are in loves. You go, Elk! You be your own herd! Follow your hearts! Be proud, Elks!
My husband drove as fast as he thought he could in order to get us home as soon as possible, away from the one-woman-elk-gay-pride-parade I was throwing in the passenger seat. Despite how annoying I was being, he was still trying to drive carefully in order to not to make my motion sickness any worse, which was very sweet. Especially considering I was about 3 seconds away from losing my fight with the filter keeping my favorite Cher song in my head and not in the air all around us.
"Baby, it's all or nothing now! Don't want to run and I can't walk out. You're breaking my heart if you leave me now! Don't wanna wait foreeeveeer-"
Sorry. Sometimes I can't stop the Cher. I was able to hold it in inside the car so I guess it's been waiting to escape since then. On our drive home, I just sort of rested my head against the armrest between my hubby and me. While still in a fully upright seated position. No, it wan't comfy. But, it did help to stop the nausea. So, victory!
The park was beautiful despite our less than stellar time there. The lake, the trees, the sky, the colors. I wish I had been able to enjoy it more.
Next time, Elk Park, next time.
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